Southern Blue Whiting

Southern Blue Whiting


The majority of fish are caught from sub-Antarctic islands of the Bounty Platform and Campbell Island Rise in the southern waters of New Zealand. Fish average 40-50cm and weigh 400-600g.

Fast growing species that have a firmer flesh than the Blue Whiting found in the northern hemisphere.

Whiting has a mild taste with a sweet sea flavour which is appealing to children and adults alike. It has translucent flesh which cooks up white. The delicate flesh is low in fat and flakes easily making it suitable to crumb or batter. Skin-on fillets are also suitable to steam or oven bake.

Flesh can be used in fish balls and fish cakes.

Currently in stock in the following locations

shop Burswood Store
truck Crawley Fish Truck
truck Guildford Fish Truck

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